Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Five Scholarly Sources and Research Question

My sources: 

  • Benford, Robert D. "THE COLLEGE SPORTS REFORM MOVEMENT: Reframing the “Edutainment” Industry." Sociological Quarterly 48.1 (2007): 1-28. Print. 
  • Carey, Jack. "Knight Commission: Athletics Vs. Academic Spending Too Unbalanced." USA TodayPrint. 
  • Dowling, William C. Confessions of a Spoilsport: My Life and Hard Times Fighting Sports Corruption at an Old Eastern University. University Park, PA: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 2007. Print. 
  • Goidel, Robert, and John Maxwell Hamilton. "Strengthening Higher Education through Gridiron Success? Public Perceptions of the Impact of National Football Championships on Academic Quality." Conference Papers -- American Association for Public Opinion Research (2005): 1. Print. 
  • Pine, Nathan. "The Role of Athletics in the Academy: An Alternative Approach to Financial Investment." Journal of Sport & Social Issues 34.4 (2010): 475-80. Print. 
Research Question (still in the works):

Is there room for athletics in modern higher education? How has the overabundance of funding led to corruption within athletics and a loss in the quality of academics?

1 comment:

  1. This is a great start. Excellent sources -- good MLA format. I think you will eventually refine your question as you gain more focus, but this is a good start. I am most interested in whether you can find anyone who tries to make a rational argument for the value of college sports that might justify the expense ($27 M per year at Rutgers). It would be useful, at least, to engage with as a counter-argument to your own.
