Sunday, April 1, 2012

My Case

The basis of my research paper will be around the concept that the presence of big-time athletic programs  have compromised, and continue to negatively impact the intellectual integrity that is that basis of the higher education. College athletics programs impose on university funding that is supposed to directly benefit academics. There is a ball of corruption that surrounds athletics, and it shifts attention away from education through a focus on having successful sport programs. Athletic programs should be self-sustaining and should not depend on, nor take away from the primary goal of college; education. Although athletics positively contribute to the social and cultural atmosphere of college, intellect should not be simply tossed aside at the expense of athletics. As put in William Dowling's, Confessions of a Spoilsport, "College is not part of football, but rather football is a part of college". People have lost sight of the true value of academics in the modern university.

Research related to my case:

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